It's been a while, but I am back!
After the hike, I waited tables at the Jordan Pond House in Acadia National Park until the end of October. I did a slideshow presentation about the AT at the Newport Library with a good turnout and Bangor Daily News also interviewed me and did a color piece!
Early November I went to Kentucky to visit my grandparents (Grandpa is 93!) November 11th I fly south- to the Virgin Islands! I am waitressing at a restaurant on St John called Morgan's Mango, living with friends from Bar Harbor. St John is beautiful. I've been scuba diving, snorkeling, swimming with dolphins, fishing, hiking, kayaking, paddleboarding, boating, and just relaxing on the beach. Lots of friends have visited- which is a bit draining since I have to wake up early, do fun things, then work, then go out at night, repeat. All the locals in town are very friendly, always saying, "Good morning" not just, "Hello". That's something I intend to continue doing.

The Baths, Virgin Gorda

Using my head! on a paddleboard
Christmas and my birthday were different down here- palm trees and coconut trees were decorated! New Year's was a big celebration. Rum and other liquor are the only things down here that are affordable. Grapes are $15 per bag! Guess that's the price of living in paradise! I haven't met Kenny Chesney yet, though he has a house down here. I'm not sure how long I will be down here. I'd like to go to Europe this summer, we will see!!
With a big Mahi Mahi! YUM